Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Leaving the South: thus begins my postcard page

After three months of "blogger's block," I have come up with a plan for documenting this year of traipsing. I created this site so that my friends and family could follow my travels in South America; however, I remain skeptical of blogging as a satisfactory means of communication. I do not want my blog to turn into another online "profile," where I ramble vainly about myself, proclaiming my tastes and doings to the virtual world. I want my thoughts to have a destination. Of course, there is also the issue of effort: I don't want to spend time and energy composing witty prose and posting photos when I should be engaging with the world around me.

These reflections, as well as my friend Christine's horror stories about the Argentine postal service (she stood in line at the post office for several hours in order to send her postcards; out of the 20 she sent, only 6 arrived to their addressees) and my friend-of-a-friend Johnny's blog (photographs of his hand-written travel journals) have inspired...

...the postcard page! (I will send you an e-mail when I upload a postcard addressed to you; the physical postcards will be sent eventually).

Without further ado:

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